D1024 Buxom Prosecutor in trouble

21:09 video

The prosecutor Chrissina is still preparing herself for a hearing at the courthouse. The voluptous, silver-haired gal is wearing a tight and sexy suit and calls with a friend for last details. Any warnings because she investigated against a Gouvenor got ignored and so she looks forward to the hearing. But things quickly turns really bad for the buxom Bimbo as she opens her frontdoor and becomes overwhelmed and abducted by strange brutes! Later Chrissina awakes at a strange place, still tied up and gagged by her captors and no clue about what happened. As one of the brutes shows up, he explains her that nobody else as the criminal Gouvenor has ordered her kidnapping to prevent the big boobed prosecutor from the hearing at court. Any prostest and warnings are for less and so the poor captive becomes turned into a tight, restricted-by-ropes package and got muffled by a wide and massive tape-wrap-gag! After she made still too much noise with rumbling, she ends up uncomfortable packed-up into a hogtie on the floor, damned to spend a unkown time as hostage of the cruel villians...

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