Hi and welcome in my World!
My Name is Chrissina and I'm a Crossdresser from Germany.
My biggest and loveliest Passion in my Life is Bondage. I've been fan since my youth and have lived it out whenever I could. I love it to be strictly and tight bound and gagged as buxom and sexy dressed woman and at least in 2015 I'd started to model and acting in my own clips and photos.
I have specialized myself on Selfbondage and all actual material on this site contains Selfbondage by me. Also I wasn't able to find a dominant Rigger-Partner for me and my work.But I think I'd reached a very high quality and realistic look with my Bondage skills and here you can enjoy it in every detail. I always try to let my ties and gags look as good as possible and to create the impression of a good rigging. My Storys are typical 'Damsel in Distress' themes.
But enough about me. Now it's your part to explore all my work here and enjoy my skills in every uncomfortable situation ;)
Tied Greetings from your Chrissina!
16:29 video
At home of the sexy Chrissina: The attractive brunette has decided to skip work and enjoys her free day at home, wearing a tight sweater-outfit. A bad decision how it will turn out... Because as it rings on her frontdoor, a brutal burglar enters and threats the big boobed gurl with a gun! Before he start his search for booty, he stowes Chrissina tied up and cleavegagged in her bathroom. After she struggled a while in her predicament, the brute returns and accuse her to have no interesting pray. To make his wrath some air, he restricts the buxom captive even more with ropes and equips her with a stocking-hood combined with a harsh tape-cleavegag! Then he takes Chrissina's Laptop as payment and leaves unsatisfied the flat. Left back alone, the poor Damsel in Distress struggles her way out of the bathroom and searches desperate a way out of her uncomfortable and strict captivation.
15:23 video
The sexy secretary Chrissina has finally arrived home. She's a bit stressed because she has stolen documents from her company and plans to sell them for extra money. But after she has called her business-partner, it rings on her door and the leader of her company-security shows up. Unfortunatelly the busty thief was busted by cams and now her plan has failed. After she has handed over the files, the security man decide to show the bold thief a strict lesson for her misstake. The big boobed brunette becomes quick and brutally packed up into a bunch of tape! Harsh restricted and massively mouthpacked, she becomes left alone, hopeless struggling to find a way out of her sticky predicament. After some time her merciless workmate shows up again to give Chrissina's bad situation a humilating upgrade!. After she must helpless endure the exposion of her huge tits from her blouse and bra, the poor damsel in distress becomes finally left alone in her embarassing situation. Now, with desperate squirming and moaning, the bundled-up Captive trys to find a way out of her unlucky and maybe deserved situation.
22:02 video
As the busty captive becomes forced into the room of the attic, her hands are tied up on her back and she wears a big ballgag! It's Chrissina, a sexy private detective wich became unfortunatelly busted while she snooped through the flat of her target. Now she's in the cruel hands of a brute wich knows no mercy with his unwelcomed guest. After he had pinned Chrissina's long legs together with ropes, he decide to have his fun with the voluptous and big titted blonde. But as he has forced her on the ground to start with the fun, she can knock him out by a hard kick into his face! The restricted captive hops her way to the attic-steps but becomes catched again before she can escape. Some time later the curvy Bimbo is back again in the room, now even more restriced by additional ropes! But her captor is so badly hurt that he need to visit a doctor. Before he leaves, he chains Chrissina to a post, adds a few very uncomfortable and torturing tools on her and leaves her safe secured back, still planing a horrible vengeance on his guest after he had returned again...
19:17 video
Somewhere in a Hotel in Frankfurt: The sexy business-gurl Chrissina is waiting for her business-partners. She wants to sell some dokuments from her company and hopes to make good money. As her guests arrives, two shady brutes, the smart broad in her tight uniform offers to hand over her product only after she got her money. After accepting, the deal goes by without complications... but suddenly the two guys demand their money back and threaten Chrissina with a gun! Without any chance to prevent, the big boobed gurl becomes tied up and harsh cleave-gagged! After one of the brutes has left with the money, the second stays and want to make sure that the busty captive can't gain any problems. After a few minutes the curvy broad is totally restricted into tons of ropes and a massive tape-wrap-gag seals her mouth bountiful. Before her cruel guest leaves, he exposes Chrissina's huge tits from her uniform and leaver her all alone on her room, damned to spend her time hopless struggling and moaning untill the roomservice would show up!
20:20 video
A customer has ordered a assassination of a man. Now the sexy Assassin Chrissina has infiltraded the targets house and plans to kill him by poision. After she has prepared a bottle of wine, she wants to leave the house but when she touches the door handle, she earns a brutal, electrical shock wich numbs her quickly! Some time later in a abandoned house: The big boobed Assassin knees on the ground, her legs are tied up with belts and her hands are tight spreaded by chains tied on her wrists. She's also gagged by a tight otm-gag and so she has to wait uncomfortable untill her captor appears. He has the order by his boss, the man wich the Assassin should kill, to find out about her customer. But the tough gurl isn't impressed or afraid and risks a big mouth against the brute. So he decide to improve Chrissina's torture and ties her up with a bunch of more garters, gags her massively with a wide tape-wrap-gag and strangles her brutally with a chain from the roof! Before he leaves his guest by her own, he exposes her huge baloon-tits and adds some tight clamps on her nipples. Then he leaves the buxom captive, wich fights desperate against her torture and shortness of breath, alone to give her some time to think about a cooperation...
21:17 video
Chrissina, a voluptous sexy blonde, has moved into a new Neighbourhood. Now she spends her time to introduce herself to her new neighbours but at one frontdoor she only finds a note of a resident that tells her to find him on the attic. Snooping arround, she finds a lot of kinky toys and becomes also suprised by a man who confuses her with a bondage-date he awaits. Chrissina's try to explain her true stay on the attic fails badly and soon the big boobed beauty finds herself hopeless tied up on a chair! Her desperate explaining-tries becomes harsh muffled by a huge ballgag and after her unwilling host has restricted her voluptous body massively with ropes, the busty Bimbo is chanceless delivered to more very humilating treatments. At least the poor gal is left all alone, her huge tits exposed and tortured by tight clams and delivered to a merciless vibrating tool in her crotch! Unable to escape from her brutal torture, the poor drooling and moaning Bimbo has to endure climax after climax and can only hope to become released soon from her uncomfortable situation...
18:52 video
The sexy brunette Chrissina wants to spend a few days in a holiday-flat. But when the busty beauty enters her room, she's toally shocked about the really bad condition of it. She immediatelly calls for her host and explains her disapointing and wants also to complain to the travel agency. But before she can start the phone call, the big boobed Bimbo becomes quickly overwhelmed and ends up tied up and cleavegagged on a matress! Now it's clear that something really strange is going on and the captured Chrissina wants to find a quick escape from her worse situation. But her rumbling alarms her captor and so the poor gurl becomes way more harsher restricted. After she's massively laced up into tons of ropes and earned a massive tapewrapgag, the unlucky captive must overhear a phone call where her host offers her as product for selling! Now it's obvious that she has become the victim of cruel humantraders but it's too late for the now totally helpless packed up gurl. Desperate struggling and moaning the busty parcel got dragged out of her prison to hand her over to her soon arriving new owners!
21:34 video
In the office or Mr Demitrio: The successful business man has a meeting with Chrissina, leader of a mercenary-troup. After her group has finished a order, the buxom beauty in her hot leather outfit want to pick up their reward. But the suitcase with the money is sneakily prepared and a load of gas numbs the white-haired amazon quickly. Later in a abandoned hiding place Chrissina awakes in a room. She got undressed to her stockings and a transparent net-top and is also tied up with belts and gagged by a tight towel! After some time of hopeless struggling, a man shows up and tells her that Mr. Demitrio has orderd to get rid of her. Totally upset the buxom captive spreads deadly threats against her captor but without any success to persuade him to let her go. To her bad she provokates him to restrict her way more brutally and after some minutes the curvy Bimbo is massivley tied up with a bunch of belts! To finish her up, her head got encased with a stocking-hood and a huge ballgag was stuffed into her mouth afterwards! Now the unlucky mercenary has to spend a uncomfortable and unkown time in her brutal captivation, damed to endure her harsh restraining and can only hope that her troup finds and rescues her as soon as possibel.
20:24 video
Chrissina is working as service gurl in a Casino-Hotel. But because her payment is more than worse, she earns a bit extra money by stealing secretly from the hotel guests. Unfortunatelly some security cams have catched her while her illegal part-time-job and now she's in her boss' office for an explanaition. Of course he has no understanding for his big boobed employee and oders her to a disciplinary meashure in the office for personal matters with his security leader. The buxom gal surrenders and accept her punishment but what she awaits is far from anything she has imagine. Later in a strange room: The curvy Bimbo is effective tied up to a post and wears a uncomfortable ring-gag, waiting for her tormentor! As he shows up, he starts to enjoy himself with his sexy and helpless captive and the ring-gag wich force her mouth open is a comfortable help for that! After that torment Chrissina becomes harsh restricted with amounts of rope and the ring-gag exchanges with a huge ballgag. Then she got left helpless struggling and moaning on the floor and locked up in her prison, not knowing when her brutal punishment will finally end and she becomes redeemed.
14:35 video
Somewhere in a Hotel in Bavaria: The business woman Chrissina is ordered by her company to an important meeting. For that she got some very secret files for the negotiations to hand what some of her workmates criticise because the buxom blonde is known for her carelessness and naivity. But the motivated beauty is shure about her success and expects no problems while her stay. This expectation becomes quickly erased as a strange man enters Chrissina's room and turns out as a burglar who want to steal her files! The big boobed broad becomes brutally tied up and gagged and can't prevent the intruder from taking the files. But to her bad luck her unwelcomed guest decide to have a bit fun with his voluptous captive and fixes the busty Bimbo up in her shower! Now Chrissina decision to wear a tight, white blouse without a bra turns into a embarassing and humilating prediacment as the cruel intruder turns on the shower. The captured gal must watch helpless how her clothes turns into a way too transparent shell while the burglar vanishes relaxed and satisfied out of her room and leaves her unescapeable in her wet cell!
22:21 video
Chrissina is a successful scientist wich done big progress in a technology wich she plans to use as help for humanity. Unfortunatelly concurence companies and organisations are also interested into her work and want to use it for only making money. So it's no suprise that the busty gal earns a lot of offers wich she always refuses. But one day some strange people show up at Chrissina's door and after a failed rejection, the big boobed scientist becomes brutally kidnapped! Later she finds herself in a room, tied up and gagged with tape and guarded by a man. Some time later his boss shows up and try to persuade the buxom science-beauty to a cooperation... with no big success. So he want to give his unwilling guest some time to think about his offer and after the busty gal became massively packed up into tons of tape, she got left alone. But can she resist long enough as hopeless struggling and moaning captive or will her sticky and uncomfortable prediacment break her will?
16:29 video
Chrissina is the lead-secretary in a company and got the order by her boss to work out important files until the next day. For that she of course expect the support by her workmates and is confident to finish the work in time. But as two of her co-workers show up in her office and tell her to skip work early for lunch, Chrissina is very upset and promises to repor this case to their boss. The two secretaries decide not to let their too dilligent workmate prevent their plan and decide to get effective rid of their problem. After they had forced the tied up on hands Chrissina into a storrgae room, they restrict the buxom secretary brutally. Chrissina becomes harsh tied up into a strappado, her sexy legs pinned togehter and gagged with a tight tape-cleavegag! After she earned a crotchrope and her blouse where unbuttoned to show off her massive tits in a sexy bra, the poor captive got left alone by her merciless rivals and has to endure a unkown time in her very uncomfortable and humilating predicament!
22:56 video
Enjoy and scare yourself with this special for Halloween! A strange Scientist becomes a visit by a sexy mercenary wich has the order to steal imortant research-files from him. But the busty intruder underestimates her victim badly and after she became sneakily overwhelmed, she ends up brutally captured and helpless delivered to the true horror!
21:09 video
The prosecutor Chrissina is still preparing herself for a hearing at the courthouse. The voluptous, silver-haired gal is wearing a tight and sexy suit and calls with a friend for last details. Any warnings because she investigated against a Gouvenor got ignored and so she looks forward to the hearing. But things quickly turns really bad for the buxom Bimbo as she opens her frontdoor and becomes overwhelmed and abducted by strange brutes! Later Chrissina awakes at a strange place, still tied up and gagged by her captors and no clue about what happened. As one of the brutes shows up, he explains her that nobody else as the criminal Gouvenor has ordered her kidnapping to prevent the big boobed prosecutor from the hearing at court. Any prostest and warnings are for less and so the poor captive becomes turned into a tight, restricted-by-ropes package and got muffled by a wide and massive tape-wrap-gag! After she made still too much noise with rumbling, she ends up uncomfortable packed-up into a hogtie on the floor, damned to spend a unkown time as hostage of the cruel villians...
22:14 video
Somewhere in a abandoned building: A buxom woman got forced into a room, her hands taped up on her back and her head covered with a bag. It's the boss of a company, Ms Silvers, wich got kidnapped by villians wich where hired by a man. After the captive's legs became taped up, too, she got left alone. Muffled sounds from beneath the hood make clear that she's gagged. After a while the customer shows up, happy about the successful catch. But as the hood became removed from the captive's head, it's obvious that a big mistake has happen. Instead of Ms Silvers, a big boobed, silver-haired beauty, Chrissina, a simple secretary, was unfortunatelly confused with her boss and got abducted now! Of course the customer is upset about this mistake but won't let the buxom Bimbo go because witnesses are a bit problematic. So he oreders to capture the unwilling hostage untill a plan for the real Ms Silvers is set. The poor Chrissina becomes brutally wrapped up with tons of tape, earns a wide and tight tapegag and got left back in her predicament, hopeless struggling and moaning and execrate her boss for her bad sitaution...
20:25 video
The nightmare of the busty police-rookie Chrissina goes merciless along as she became brutally overwhelmed by a pervert freak while she tired to escape from his flat. The poor gurl awakes in a strange room, obviously a cabin on the attic of the house. After her consiciousness has returned full, she awares that she became dressed up into a tight wetlook-overall. Additionally to that, the voluptous Bimbo is totally restricted by amounts of tight straps and her head is full-covered with a gwen hood! After a while of struggling on her chair, her captor visits her and prepares her for his next creepy treatment. The voluptous Bimbo becomes now installed to a devlish mecanism: She stands on a treadmill, forced on point by a chain arround her neck. Her upper body is still tied up by straps and her feet only connected by a chain. As the cruel brute turns on the treadmill, Chrissina's forced to walk on point or the neck-chain strangles her! Left all alone in the horrible construction, the unlucky rookie has to walk untill a bad issue brings her into a way more dangerous situation... how long can she now endure this merciless torture?
20:57 video
Somewhere in a empty flat. The police-rookie Chrissina comes fresh from the academy and got her first job. But instead of hunting true criminals, her chief gaves her a boring observation job. While she spends her time watching over a house, she suddenly awares that her target returns and drags something looking like a body into his house. The greenhorn is full of motivation and decide to enter the building in hope to rescue the person. But she don't call for support what will turn out as fateful mistake later... As the busty rookie snoops through a flat, she finds something on the ground, hided by a blanket. But beneath are only a few pillows... a trap! Too late Chrissina awares the person behind her wich knocks her out brutally. Some time later the big boobed cop awakes on a chair, effective tied up with belts and wearing a uncomfortable ballgag! Now she's helpless delivered to the brute who plans to enjoy the time with his unwelcome and lustious guest. Her only chance is to escape after it rings at the frontdoor and distracts her captor... but will the poor captive really find a way out of this nightmare in time?
20:38 video
Chrissina is the new managing director of her dads company and very proud about her heritage. But the rest of the company-management plans to sell it for a good business and Chrissina disagrees absolutly to it and swears to prevent that in all cases. Now the busty beauty is a big problem for her concurents but these still have a devlish plan to get rid of their problem... Some evening it rings at Chrissinas frontdoor and as she opens, a stranger overwhelms the big boobed gurl in her satin outfit and abduct her! The next morning in a hiding place, the captor opens a small cabin where he has kept the poor manager all night suspended and tied up. But intead to kill the big boobed Bimbo easily, he want to earn a double reward. Aside the money from Chrissinas ex-workmates, he plan to sell the busty beauty to humantraders and has still set a meeting. After the price for the sexy captive is set, she becomes bountiful restricted into tons of rope, earns a massvie mouthpacking and got dragged out to a van wich will bring her into a unkown but for sure cruel fate!
22:50 video
It's wwekend and the blue-haired beauty Chrissina is busy with computer games. While she's toal distracted, she becomes disturbed by her stepdad Greg who wants to know if she has still done her homework-duties. The buxom gurl in her tight sweater-jeans outfit tells him to do it but after some time she's still busy with her game. Now Greg becomes upset about Chrissina's lazyness and prohibites her gaming. But because she acts way too respectless, he decides to punish her and force her up into a room on the attic where he leaves her tied up! After the captured gurl shouted and rumored arround a while, Greg returns and restricts his rebellious stepdaughter a bit more. Chrissina ends up bountifull roped-up and with her socks crammed into her mouth, effective seald by a thick otm-gag! Because she doesn't stop her rumoring, her strict stepdad binds her into a tight hogtie and leaves the curvy package hopeless struggling and moaning untill she has learned her lesson... what could maybe take a few hours!
18:52 video
At home of Mr Roberts: In the livingroom waits Chrissina, a sexy and full-curvy brunette wich works as bank clerk. Mr Rogers has invited her for negotiations for a credit. But the busty host isn't able to help him because of too much depts at other institutions and so the man needs another idea to get his money. Fortunatelly his guest brings him on the right idea as Chrissina tells him that his chances would be bigger if he would take her as hostage to blackmail the bank. Only a simple joke for her but a serious solution for Mr Roberts. Some time later the big boobed Chrissina is merciless restricted in the bedroom, strictly bound and gagged on a chair! After her captor has blured her track at her bank, he decide to keep his guest much more safer and adds a few more ropes and a tight clear-tapewrap-gag on the poor business-bimbo! After that he leaves the massive packed-up gal locked up in his bedroom, hopeless struggling and moaning for a way out of her predicament.
22:25 video
Somewhere in a Hotel in bavaria: The hotel-guest Chrissina, a attractive and voluptous business woman, has met a guy wich turned out as photograph for models. Now he had persuaded the sexy gurl for a privat shooting on her room and she has agreed motvated because she ever dreamed about a mode career. But the big boobed Bimbo turns out as total amateur and has no big talent in front of the camera. But the man has a nice and sneaky idea for his naive parnter... He can persuade Chrissina again for a more erotical shooting and after she has agreed again, she finds herself suddenly tied up on her couch! After a few pics the man decide to tighten Chrissinas restrictions a bit more and before the poor gurl can give objections, she's strictly and effective bound and agged! Now the shooting continues on her bed, also with her open blouse and exposing her big tits in a sexy bra! Then her strange guest tells her that his memory card is full and he will go to bring a new one. But before he leaves, he ties Chrissinas feet to her bed and reveals her massive boobs from her bra, too! After a long time of waiting and hopeless struggling and moaning, Chrissina awares someone entering her room again... but to her embarassing bad luck it's the roomservice!
21:05 video
The sexy gurl Chrissina wants to visit her boyfriend after she got a message by him. But instead of her boyfriend she meets up his mom Laura and becomes invited to a drink by her. The two women have not the best relationship but now Chrissina got a peace offer and accept this lucky. But the whole situation is only a show and so the clueless Chrissina steps directly into Laura's sneaky trap. Some time later the big boobed girlfriend awakes at a strange place. After Laura numbed her with a drink, she abducted Chrissina and keeps her now captured somewhere. The poor Chrissina is still tied up and gagged and is now delivered to the wrath of her cruel captor who plans to keep her rival safe out of the way! The helpless struggling and moaning Bimbo becomes harsh restricted with amounts of ropes. Additionally Laura humilates her by exposing her huge tits in her bra and pulls up her skirt to show of Chrissina's panties! Effective prepared to prevent any chance for a escape, Laura leaves her bountiful bound and gagged captive and locks her in the room untill she has thought about a way to get finally rid of her uncomfortable rival...
18:17 video
At home of the diving-teacher Chrissina: As the sexy and voluptous Gurl returns back into her flat from a lesson, she finds her livingroom in a toal mess. Obviously someone has snooped through her stuff and Chrissina still has a suspicion that it was a concurent of hers. But while she try to celan up, she becomes suprised by a masked stranger! Before the voluptous gurl in her swimsuit can confront the man, she becomes brutally overwhelmed by him. The masked brute decied to get this big boobed problem save out of the way and starts to wrap the poor Chrissina up into tons of tape! Then he locks the bountiful bundled up captive in the next room and continues his robbery. The massive restricted Chrissina struggles and moans hopeless arround in her prison but can't escape from her effective and sticky predicament and so the barefeet Bimbo is damned to wait untill help appears...
24:57 video
A group of criminals, wich is specialized on drug dealing, is preparing a new delivery. Member of this group is the sexy and very attractive Chrissina and she's also the girlfriend of the leader Damien. But the sneaky blonde in her hot leather-suit has planed to make some extra money on her own and steals a drug package from the delivery while her accoplices are busy. Unfortunatelly one of them busted the voluptous gurl and keeps her safe captured in the basement untill he had informed Damien. This one is very disapointed of his (ex)-girlfriend and decide to get rid of her without any hesitation. After the voluptous traitor became safe and merciless bound and gagged on a chair, she got left back and damed to struggle and moan helpless in her basement-prison! But will someone find the buxom captive untill hunger and thirst will be her doom?